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AAHPER HEALTH RELATED PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST IN 1980, concept of fitness testing was modified due to the inclusion of additional emphasis on health related physical fitness test items. Subsequently, AAHPER, 1976 fitness test which was developed for measure the general motor strength of young boys and girls was again revised in 1980 and converted into AAHPER Health related Physical Fitness Test. It is a person's three components of health related physical fitness, namely cardiorespiratory function, body composition and abdominal backmusculoskeletal function.
(i) Cardiorespiratory Function Test: This is the same as described above under-run tests.
 (ii) Body Composition: The leanness and fatness study helps to diagnose obesity which is defined as excessive accumulation of body fat. health hazards. Body fat is tested with the help of triceps and subscapular skinfolds in AAHPERD-1980 Health related PFtesting
 (iii) Abdominal and Low Back-Hamstring Musculo-Skeletal Function: Low back pain and tension to be properly maintained by the level of trunk and hip. strength, endurance and flexibility. The function is tested with the help of modified sit ups and the test items introduced in health related AAHPERD Test (1980) .The norms for distance run, percent body fat (body,composition), timed flexed-knee sit-ups and reach and test, have been provided in the new test manual of AAHPERD (1980). In order to motivate students for acquiring  healthier active life styles, AAHPERD has instituted the following awards:
- Students reaching 75th percentile or above an endurance run, sit-ups, sit and reach and 50th centile or better in skinfolds, are awarded National Fitness Championship certificates
50th to 74th percetile rank atleast in above three tests and 25th-49th percentile in skinfolds are awarded All-American's certificate
 All student participating in AAHPERD Health related Fitness test


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