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 The passing of loose stool at frequent intervals is called diarrhoea. It results from the infection or inflammation of the intestine, which can occur variety of reasons. The reasons include protozoan, bacterial or viral infection, food poisoning, alcohol, some drugs and the deficiency of some hormones Signs and Symptoms Diarrhoea is characterized by dehydration and cramps. The skin, tongue the inner surfaces of the cheeks and nose become dry. The eyes become sunken. The patient may also have fever and pains in the joints. Control Patients are advised to rest and take oral rehydration salts (ORS) with water and/or a mild solution of common salt and sugar to prevent dehydration. The ORS as well as salt-sugar solution increases the rate of absorption of water. Drugs that prevent diarrhoea and kill microorganisms responsible for diarrhoea should be taken. Prevention Diarrhoea related to contaminated food and water can be prevented by maintaining personal and community hygiene, and by being particular about drinking water and food. Any hormonal deficiency must be treated, and stale food must be avoided


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