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 The problem of obsity is undoubtedly acute and it needs to le managed with both strong mind and long hand.While it is impossible to control genetic factors,is is very much within our power to control he environmental factors squarely resporbible for following measures of obsity manugement may prove quile effective.

1.Checking over-eating.Over-eating is often a habit pattern which ay start early in life Obesity is prone to develop when the mother offers food to the infant wienever the baby/infant cries due toany cause.It may be due to psyciogerdc causes leading to over-cating for emotional satisfaction In some well-to dofamilies over eating is away of life.Family members especlally mothers should understand the dangets of over.eating They should be discretè in feeding children allowing demnct io latone gluttons.and put on unwanted weight.

2.Reducing caloric intake. The adults especially the old, wlio puton weight due to eating.too fatty foods (bothoily and sugary preparations) more on account of tasteor force of habit, must immediately put a stop to this habit in order to save themselves from the serious troubles tUhat will Curtailingof snacs inbetwen themeals, and naking a drastic cut on the consumption of ice-cream, toffers, and sweets is a good wayof preventing obesity.Taking of high fibre food along with low calurie content byfore taking nain meal, iodstratrzyt ketoksiy at bayepecialy whenitisapled in case of children.

3. Putting stress on physicalactivity.Inactivity and over eating are the two major causes ofobesity.Activity has several forms: walking joeging running weight-training, sym exercises, manual work vigotous indoor and outdoor games e sports (basketball, hockey football, swimming athletics etc), aerobic workouts, cross country, and household (tending garden lawn mowin cimbing stzirscaxs, vashúnng clothes and the ie)agivity.It is an effective device of putting a check on weight intrease because it helps in burning at provided its intensity, duraton ana quality are up to the mark.

4.Using dieting principle carcfully, Some people firid dieting a good way of reducing welght but improper dieting is dangerous as it gives rise to some other health complications Fxercise and sports are enjoyable for most people dieting snot because once a person becomes habitual ofeating excessively), itbecomes painful-physically and psychologically - to do away with this habit besides, moderate exercise may reduce one's weight and thus produce the two-way benefit of increased caloric intale Weight reduction throughexercise tends to cause loes of more fat and less protein than equivalent weight reductionby diet Reducing more than a half pound or 226.5gm per day hazardous.When fat is reduced in the body rapidly on account of dieting it Jeads to formation of fatty acids inexcessive amounts which cannot be neutralized as quickly as they areformed, and may,therefore lowerallaline reserves of the body, thus giving rise to presence of acids in thebody.

5. Taking surgery as a last therapy for olesity.In United States and eke where extremely obese people as an ultimate resort, take rerourse to surgery such as stomach bunding or stapling so tlhat it carunot accommodate more food stuff, as a weight -reduction measure.This is very painfal and disgusting.Medical problens tmay also crop up when surgery is undergone as a fat reduction device.

6. Using weight-reduction medicines with ingomity.Most obese people find itdifficult rather painful, to exert con.trolon their dict, engage in strenuous exercise, and maintain caloric balance, so they resort to taking certain medicines as an easy way of reducing theirweight For this purpoe,at kast two kinds of medicines are commlonuse(1) those that bring down thelevel of appetite so that the craving for food is suletantially reduced, and (2) those that prevent fats in the diet from gettingabsorled in the body Whetheror not this is aneffective measure of managing obsity problemy is a difficult to say.Howeve believers in this preventive measure should look for a physician's advice, rather iption.Use of drugs to reduce appetite should preferably be discouraged for calth reasons.

7.Strensthening the obese'will pouer toreduce weight.Perhaps, the most elfective and the most inexpnsive preventive measure of obesity is the psychological treathenta person should receive.This process underscores the necessity for constant encouragemetkto theoleepcally the child, lo strengthen his will power to redure his weight It is important for the parents to heep the weight of their obesechild under constant surveillance.Attempts should be made to reduce weight gradually, not abruptly.


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