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All our energy, whether manifrested in growth and developmentof the body and mindor the activities we perform, comes from the food that weeat.Thechemical compounds in food, delivered assimilation enable our life activities to go on.Ourvital proceses of life, the organic ones that maintain the organism, the growth of the young into the adult guod and noble thoughts and/or the bad behavioral designs-all flow from the energies madeavailable to us by the chemical compounds All our energy to everycell of the body after the complex processes of digestion, absorption, and of the food.
As for functions, the food (a) builds up or renews tissues as a result of which, ie'e grow structurally and functionally, and improve upon our physicaland menta dimensions: (b) yields energy in the form of heat units for action on account of which eur working efficiency greatly increases with the nutritious food weeat and finally, (c)regulats bodty proesses and stimulates C.cell functions such as maintaining bodytemperature.Several elemernt of food peform this function.
A perfect food, known as nutritiory is one that contains all the bisic principles (or constituert) f food -carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, salts,Wvater-in adequate proportion necessary for growth andhealth of the body.Foods vary widely in their chemical composition and also in service they give to the body economy,but on the basis of their functional dassification they may be categorized as (o) thoie that yield energy (carbohydrates and fats) (b) those that build tisue(proteins), and () thohatrogulate and stimulate body processes (minernls salts,vitamins, water etc.)


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