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PRINCITLES OF STORTS TRAINING :-There are several universally accepted scientific training principles thut must be folloved in order to improve conditioning and performance These principles include the following
The IPrinciple of Individual Differences :-       Athletes are not run-cf-themill components of a machine, they are hunan beingswith incredibly different genetic mabeupand envirenmental(socio cultural) hac grounds whikh give cach one of them a sort of uniqueness in each and every chafacteristic of personality Ecause every athlete is different, each person's response to training will vary It is, therefore, important that aproper training programmeshculd le modified to tule individualdidlerences into account Some considerations are as given below. 
Large muscles heal slower than smaller muscles .
Fastor explosive movements require more recovery time ihan slow movenents. 
Fast twitch muscle fihers rcover quicker than slow twitch muscle filers. 
Women generally ned more rexovery time than meni .
Olderathletes gencrally need more rocovery time than younger athetes. 
The heavier the load lifted, the longer it will take the nuscles to recover. 

The Principle of Overload:-The principle of overloxd states that a greater dun normal stress or load on the body is required for training adaptation totaie place The lody will adapt to this stimuns Once the body has adapted then a different stimnlıs is reguired to continue the change In order for a muscle including the heart) to increasestrength, it mut be gradually stressed by working against a load greater than it isused to.To increase endurance, muxls must work for a longer period of time than they are used to.If this stress is removed or decreased there will be a decrease in that particular component of fitness A normal amount of exercise will maintain the current finea level. 

The Principle of Progression:-  The principle of progression implies that there ian optimal level of overload t achieved and an optimaltimcframe for thes overload to occur.Overload should not be increased too slowly or improvement is unlikely.Overload that is increased too rapidly will result in injury or muscle damage Exercising above the target zone is counterpreductive and can be dangerous.For example, the weckend athlete who exercises vigorously only on weelends docs not exercise often enough, and so violites the principle of progression.
The Principle of progression also males us realize the need for roper ret and rocovery Continual stress on the hody and constant overload will result in caxhaustion and injury.One should not (and can not) train hard all the time.Doing so will lead to over training and a great dealof phsical and psychological damage will result. 

The Principle of Adaptation:- Adaptation is the way the body tprogranmes' amuscles to rememler particular activitis s' muscles to remember particular activities movements orskills.By repeating that skillor activity, the body adapts to the stress anid the skill omes easier to perform.Adaptation explains why a lwginnivg exeiciser is often sore after starting a new routine, but after doing the same exercise for weeks and montlis the at little, if any, muscle soreness.This also explains the need the overload principle if continued improvement is desired hlete has to vary the routine and continue to apply. 

The Principle of Use/Disuse :-The principle of use/disuse implies that you "use it or lose it."This simply means that muscles hypertrophy with use and atrop hy with disuse It is important to find a bialance between stress and rest.There must be periods of low intensity between periods of ligh intensity to allow for recovery.The periods of lower intensity training or the rst phase, is a prime time fora bit of cross-training.. 

The Principle of Specificity:-  The specificity principle simply states that training must go from highly general training to highly specific training.The principle ot specificity also implies that to come betterata particular exercise or skill you must perform thatexercise or skill and perfora it for a required period of time and to a required level of proficiency To be a good cyclist, you must cycle.Thie point to takeaway is that a runner should train by running and a swimmer should train by swimning. 
While there may be some other principles' of training mentioned in the text books, these six are the cornerstone of all other effective training methods.These cover all aspects of a solid foundation of sports training.Once put together, the mostlogical training programne involvesa periodized approach, which cycles the intensity and training objectives.The troining must be srescifie not only to ono's sport of choice, but to one's individuai abilities (tolerance to training stress, recoverability, outside obligations, etc).One must increase the trainting loads over time (allowing some workouts to be less intense thanothers) and one must train often enough not only to keepa detraining effect from happening, but to also force an adaplation.


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