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Showing posts from December, 2018


 Also known as hydrophobia, rabies is an active highly fatal viral infection of the central nervous system.It is caused by neurotropic virus, which is widely distributed in the neryous system, saliva, urine, lymph, milk etc, of the infected carnivorous (flesh-eating) animals such as wolves, foxes, jackals and mongoose, and gets transmitted to thedomesticat d animals.Generallya pen bitten by a mad dog cs rabies unless betikes curative meisutes immediately. Rabies is transmitted ty the licks by an infected aninnl such as dog on the abraded skin cratches and macoss of the haman beings Non-bite routes includeair-borne transmission from infected bats residingin caves,from Laboratory workers espped to rabies-infected tisques. Common Symptoms      Once the disease is caused, the following signs and symptoms iasting 2 to 10 days characteristically begin to appear after 4 to 6 weeks or even longer. 1. Headache-mild or severe. 2Malaise-uneasiness or feeling of discomfort. 3. Lowintensity

Sports training in Over-lode

Over-load Ovectraining or overload is a state of decreased performance capacity, which is not due to any training or competition load or any other short duration influence on the sportsperson.It, Lowever,occurs over a long period of timeand becomes a serious concern forthe athlete and his trainer as it can wipe off all good effects of training produced over a year or more. In his sporting carcer, besides coping with the demands of uairing d competition, a sportspersonhas to make efforts to come up to the expectations of tdie ty, cominurity, family ession institution or organization That way,he is virtually over bales with diverse demunds His ownaspirations, demands of training and competition and expectations of the people put together constitule his total load.When the over-load exceeds the limits of the sportsperson's capacity, his recovery from training load slows down as a result after several days or weels cumulative elfect of fatigue leads to overload or over-training stat