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 Also known as hydrophobia, rabies is an active highly fatal viral infection of the central nervous system.It is caused by neurotropic virus, which is widely distributed in the neryous system, saliva, urine, lymph, milk etc, of the infected carnivorous (flesh-eating) animals such as wolves, foxes, jackals and mongoose, and gets transmitted to thedomesticat d animals.Generallya pen bitten by a mad dog cs rabies unless betikes curative meisutes immediately.
Rabies is transmitted ty the licks by an infected aninnl such as dog on the abraded skin cratches and macoss of the haman beings Non-bite routes includeair-borne transmission from infected bats residingin caves,from Laboratory workers espped to rabies-infected tisques.
Common Symptoms
     Once the disease is caused, the following signs and symptoms iasting 2 to 10 days characteristically begin to appear after 4 to 6 weeks or even longer.
1. Headache-mild or severe.
2Malaise-uneasiness or feeling of discomfort.
3. Lowintensity fever.
4.Sore throat.
5. Aversion to light noise or cold air.
6. Fear of water and apprehension of death

 Preventive Mcasures
  1. Ensure immunization aainst rabies of high-risk groups of people as veterinarians, doghandlers, field naturalists, Iaboratory workers etc.
2 Eliminatestrayud unowned dogs.
3.Enforce registration of dogs and licensing of all domestic pets.
4. Ensure immunization of pets against rabies and destroy rabies-infected animals 5. Indog bite cases, cdean the wound immediately, provide chemical treatment and suture the wound, and administer anti-rabies serum.
 6. Consult the expert physician and get the case treatedaccordingly

Therapeutic Measures
  1. Local treatment of wounds ie cleansing wounds, treating them chemically, suturing them,application of Anti-rabies serum, and ATs injection and penicillin.
2.Observe the animal for ten days  Should it exhibit signs of rabies,the animal should be exterminate humanely. Incase it remains alive and is in good health at the end of ten days  no anti - rabies treatment would be needed.
3. Give the anti-rabics vaccination post haste the moment the animal either shows clinical signs of rabies, it dies during the period obbervation,it cannot be identified or traced,or laboratory tests of the biting animal 's brain are positive. 


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